Tag: Culture

  • 5 Sunday Reads – April 9th

  • Bicameral Mind and Hallucination

    Bicameral Mind and Hallucination

    I find Julian Jaynes theory interesting when looking at Artificial Intelligence hallucinations. Julian Jaynes proposes the concept of the bicameral mind in the book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. He proposes that verbal hallucinations were common and ubiquitous in Ancient societies and were the precursor to consciousness as we […]

  • Music and the Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics

    Music and the Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics

    Music is the universal human language. The language of the universe, hypnotizing everything from celestial bodies, humans, and animals. Neural networks like NSynth and Riffusion are using algorithms to generate music. The output might not be the next radio banger but that may be due to the training models being less effective than the art […]

  • Art and the Divine

    Art and the Divine

    Logos –  Quite literally meaning the word or discourse. The pre-Socratic philosopher  Heraclitus associated the logos with fire. The symbology of word and fire were one. For Hindu philosophers, the creative word was AUM. The word logos is occasionally used in other contexts, such as for “ratio” in mathematics. This concept of words and AI’s […]

  • Societal Biases in AI

    Societal Biases in AI

    I want to start this post with a quote: “If you take away from reality the symbolic fictions that regulate it, you lose reality itself.” Slavoj Žižek For Žižek, ideology is consciousness. The inspiration for the artwork was Jupiter and Semele by Gustave Moreau. While an obscure reference, we can excuse the AI for assigning […]