Tag: ChatGPT

  • Bicameral Mind and Hallucination

    Bicameral Mind and Hallucination

    I find Julian Jaynes theory interesting when looking at Artificial Intelligence hallucinations. Julian Jaynes proposes the concept of the bicameral mind in the book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. He proposes that verbal hallucinations were common and ubiquitous in Ancient societies and were the precursor to consciousness as we […]

  • Is ChatGPT Sublime and Uncanny?

    Is ChatGPT Sublime and Uncanny?

    When I first saw the Microsoft future of work video I felt elated, excited, fearful, and in awe all at the same time. The technology I was seeing injected into my reality was sublime. It has been a little over a week since the announcement and I started to wonder, is ChatGPT uncanny? Surely, something […]